Camille M

“Always put your mental wellbeing before your
business. If a job stresses you out, just don’t take it. Life’s about the simple things and
not success.”



In a few words, describe yourself and your practice.

Playful, easy-going, imaginative and natural.

When did you start your practice?

I made the first florist apron huddled in front of the fireplace on a freezing day in Autumn 2014. Prior to that, my friend and I were running our own design studio called Yolk Studio, specializing in hospitality design. 

How does where you live affect your work?

The connections I have with the environments around me are paramount to my wellbeing and productivity. It often frustrates me how much, as I wish I could be completely content within my own skin and not be so effected by the aesthetics of a space.

I feel happiest in natural light, surrounded by plants and in the presence of familiar positive people. So I have filled both home and work with these three elements. I guess things that represent the living! Sun, nature and family. 

Because of the positive connection between me and what surrounds me I am the most content I have ever been.




Sweeping and re-arranging my plants with coffee in hand, jungle music and having a laugh with everyone in the workshop.


Is your practice how you support yourself? If not, what else are you working on to do so?

It could be, but I like having the emotional fluidity of being the boss and also having a boss. Carpenter’s Daughter allows me access to all the pleasures in life - yum food, camping trips, plants, nice bed linen and special things for myself. I also paint and weave for Pop & Scott which helps support the rent for my studio, house and bills. On weekends and some nights I cater for my friends company, Pot & Pan saving for a sweet tropical balmy adventure next year!

What are some challenges you’re facing in your practice?

All written and verbal communication - emails, enquiries, interviews, post address. My brain just can’t seem to get a grip on these things! Juggling three different jobs/mind sets is challenging too. 

If you were to share one piece of advice with those who aspire to do what you do, what would it be?

Always put your mental wellbeing before your business. If a job stresses you out, just don’t take it. I have turned down career changing jobs purely so I can instead be stress free and sit on the porch in the sun with my housemates even if it made me that little bit poorer that month and a little less known. Life’s about the simple things and not success. 

Who (or what) inspires you?

So many things! At the moment it's the philosophies of Alan Watts. Writing of Shannon May Powell. Photography of Henrik Purienne. Artists Constantin BrancusiHenri Matisse and Diego Cabezas. Movement and form from the Bauhaus period. Homes of Gabriël & Gwen FaganJoris Brouwers & Nicky Zwaan and Simon & Jessica Howell. Mid-Century architecture. The brands Pansy CoCaves Collect and Apiece Apart and general babes Lexie Smith and Mari Giudicelli. Uplifting world music. Lastly just dreaming of building my own cob house with a conservatory one day.  

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing this?

Studying perfumery in India or tropical horticulture specialising in fruit.



Don’t compare the start of your practice to the middle of someone else’s.



Yes, absolutely. I’ve always believed in sharing what you know, honesty and working in collaboration rather than in competition. Learning and growing from one another can only lead to positive outcomes.



That everyone that has been involved has been a loved one.


How would your audience describe you?

Earthy...and terrible at emails? 

How has your practice changed over time?  Where do you see it going?

I was working in the backyard with tools scattered everywhere and a hunch back when I first started. A year later I have a studio surrounded by people I love and more systems in place for better flow. 

I hope to see my life continue with the same creative family I have now and a bigger studio but with travel and adventures to grow and look back on. 

What are you currently working on?

A little range for k9 companions.